Local Accountability

Authentic partnerships between young people, communities, and educators are critical foundations for better understanding and improving student outcomes, experience and learning conditions in school. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher, administrator, or policymaker, the tools and resources below are intended to help you build those partnerships and co-create assessments connected to what students and communities value.

Culturally Affirming Practices Criteria

Village of Wisdom (VOW) partners with schools to support their assessment of the learning environments they provide to Black learners. Schools report that VOW assessments helped them learn about their strengths and areas for improvement in supporting Black learners; however, there was always the question of how schools could improve their practices.

Equal Opportunity Badge & Designing a National Registry of Equitable Enrollment Patterns

GreatSchools and Equal Opportunity Schools are developing a first of its kind national registry of equitable enrollment patterns and solutions focused on Advanced Placement specifically. Together, we believe we can create an innovative, public facing suite of tools that can shine daylight on this essential topic.

Georgia Deeper Learning Network - Public Exhibitions Process

At The Center for Innovation in Education we facilitate connections, build relationships, and share learning among those who must work in concert to bring about equity-seeking change in education. We often, but not always, orient this work around innovation in assessment and accountability systems as a key lever for systems change.

Schools and Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (SCORE)

Schools and Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (SCORE) is a community-driven, action-oriented research project that brings together an intergenerational Community Research Team consisting of students and parents/caregivers recruited in partnership with community-based organizations.